What should you include in a real estate listing?

90% of real estate searches start online. One way to stand out from the crowd is to come up with a high quality listing.

What should be a part of a listing

In the United States, the purchase and sale of real estate follow strict rules. Among the elements that are an integral part of a transaction, the information document, known as the “disclosure document“. This document is important for each of the parties involved in the sale of real estate insofar as it provides essential information allowing them to act in full knowledge of the facts.

Generally speaking, the information document provides all the details about the condition of a property, which may negatively affect its value.

Any concealment or attempt to conceal material may result in a misdemeanor conviction. Furthermore, the sale of real estate “as is” generally does not exempt the seller from his obligation to disclose. The rules relating to the information document concern any owner wishing to sell a property, but more particularly those who transform dwellings and bet on short-term transactions.

The content of the disclosure statement varies from state to state depending on local laws.

Tips for a great first impression

Add as much details as possible to the description of the home and take care of the writing of your real estate ad. Inspire your prospective buyers: instead of “south facing living room” write “light-filled living room”. Most importantly, use high-quality photos to catch the customers’ eye. Thanks to EstateStudio.com, you can now include all the elements necessary and create a real estate ad in video to optimize the visibility and the development of your property.
We have found that the video format, while being one of the most popular communication mediums, is rarely used for property listings. When it comes to promoting the indoor, outdoor or the surrounding areas of the property, a video will set you apart from the competition and generate more sales!  So, what are you waiting for?

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